Publications |
  Meeting with Monsters. JPV útgáfa. 2008.
In this book the authors study the mythological beasts of Iceland. Each beast is depicted and its Natural history, distribution, and life explained with many illustrations and maps. There are a total of 30 different beasts explained in this book inhabitants of both sea and land as well as of hot-springs and lakes. Referrences were sought out in all possible areas, well known litterature as well as in unpublished interviews and older articles. So here many interesting facts from this wealthy Icelandic inheritance are being published for the first time. The book is written in a light entertaining style which is easely understood by both young and old. This book is the third cooperation between the two authors; Jón Baldur and Sigurður Ægisson Folklorist and Theologian. This publication has already increaced the interest and discussion on this interesting part of Icelandic folklore. The book on The Mythological Beasts of Iceland was nominated for the Nonfiction book of the year prize -Hagþenkir for 2008. Published in both English and Icelandic, the book is 135 pages in an enlarged format. ISBN 978-9979-656-72-2
 Icelandic fishes. Vaka-Helgafell.2006. This book deals with the 340 species of fish found in Icelandic waters. The first part of the book is about fish in general but the main part deals with the individual fish species. The book is written by the two formost Icelandic specialists in the field. Jón Baldur did about 500 pictures for this project, both portraits and other illustrations, most of them from specimens. The three authors received the 2007 award of the Icelandic Association of Science and Textbook Writers for :" Having drawn the fair as well as the ugly beasts of the deep up onto the pages of a book with outstanding illustrations and in clear language". The book also contains distribution maps for most species. This is a large format book 336 pages, printed in the highest available quality. The book is still only available in Icelandic. ISBN 9979-2-1938-6
  Íslensk spendýr. Vaka-Helgafell, Edda. 2004. This book deals with the around 60 species of mammals foud in Iceland and in the waters surrounding it. It also includes detailed chapters on the evolution and ecology of mammals The book is written by many of the formost zoologists of Iceland with Dr prof. Páll Hersteinsson as the main contributor and editor. Jón Baldur painted a large number of pictures for this volume including many explanatory illustrations. The book also contains maps showing the distribution of each species. This book is printed in large format and with great attention paid to every detail. ISBN 9979-2-1721-9
 Íslenskir fuglar. Publisher Vaka-Helgafell http://edda.is.1998. The most up to date and thorough book on Icelandic birds ever. Many years of work by both authors, Ævar Petersen and Jón Baldur, has produced this standard of all Icelandic bird books. Here all Icelandic species are described in separate chapters, with distribution maps, a picture of every breeders egg is shown and Jón Baldur has painted hundreds of pictures depicting the various plumages of all the species in question.The book is over three hundred pages in large format and is noted for it´s elegant design. ISBN 9979-2-1333-7
 Ísfygla. Published in 1996. The author, Minister Sigurdur Ægisson, deals not only with the 71 species of Icelandic breeders and their biology but also explores the myths and folklore around each species. The book contains 72 pen drawings by Jón Baldur. ISBN 9979-60-227-9.
 Birdwatching in Iceland. A concise guide to the areas of interest to the birdwatcher, with details of each geographical region, its birdlife and access to it. A chapter with information on birdwatching at different times of the year. Brief descriptions on all breeding species as well as passage migrants and the more common vagrants. The authors Jón Baldur and Helgi Gudmundsson are both keen birdwatchers, who have worked as tourist guides for many years. Available in both English and German. ISBN 9979-9296-1-8.
 Sjávarnytjar vid Ísland. Published by Mál og menning in 1998. A comprehensive book covering all aspects of the economically important species in Icelandic waters, from algae to whales. The three authors are specialists at the Icelandic Marine Research Institute. Jón Baldur painted a portrait of each of the 57 species covered in the book. Only available in Icelandic. ISBN 9979-3-1759-0.
 Icelandic Whales. This is a very handy book aimed at providing the ever growing group of whale-watchers with a sturdy, easy to use, field guide. Spiral bound with extra thick glossy paper its look and feel is new and practical. The book covers the 23 species seen to date in Icelandic waters and in fact these are the majority of species found in the North Atlantic.The authors are Sigurdur Ægisson, Jón Ásgeir from Adaldalur and Jón Baldur, who painted all the full colour whale pictures in the book. Foreword is written by the renouned Mark Carawadine. The book is available in Icelandic, English and German.
 Nature in Northern Europe, biodiversity in a changing enviroment Published in 2002 by the Nordic Counsil of Ministers. A large number of specialist authors and illustrators from a number of contries. Jón B. Hlíðberg provided around 40 of the illustrations in this publication, which contains a wealth of information on North European nature. The book is an outstanding publication, 350 pages in large format and published in several languages. For further information go to the Nordic Counsil of Ministers web site www.norden.org. ISBN 92-893-0635-1 ( English version)

Jón B. Hlíðberg has for a number of years worked with the editors of the The National Centre for Educational Materials. He has supplied them with a large number of illustration for dosens of text books and other educational material. Jón B. Hlíðberg has also provided the Centre with hundreds of pictures for their educational website used by the school system.

Stamps for the Icelandic Postal service. March 2009. 10 stamp sheet, each of 80 Ikr value. stamps@postur.is www.stamps.is

Stamps for the Icelandic Postal Service. Published in November 2002. Redshank, value Ikr. 50, number 419A. Grey Phalarope, value Ikr. 85, number 419B stamps@postur.is www.stamps.is

Stamps for the Icelandic Postal Service. Published in Sept.09 2003. Medow Pipit, value Ikr. 70, number 429A. Wimbrel, value Ikr. 250, number 429B stamps@postur.is www.stamps.is

Stamps for the Icelandic Postal Service. Published nov-04-2002. Dunlin, value Ikr. 75, number 450A. Purple Sandpiper, value Ikr. 55, number 450B stamps@postur.is www.stamps.is

Frímerki gerð fyrir Íslandspóst. Útgáfudagur 03-11-2005. Greylag Goose, value kr. 60, number 465A. Starling, value kr. 105, number 465B stamps@postur.is www.stamps.is
 Stamps for the Icelandic Postal Service. Published 10-March-2005. Long-t field mouse, value kr. 45, number 455A. House mouse, value kr. 125, number 455B stamps@postur.is www.stamps.is

Stamp for the Icelandic Postal Service. Published 02-Feb-2006. Iceland national flower, Mountain Avens Value Ikr. 50, Number 467 stamps@postur.is www.stamps.is

In cooperation with Johann Isberg of iww.is, Fauna has done a number of informative posters and plackards for various communities and private companies. See Sample
 Fauna has now started producing various printed items and special numbered print of selected images found in the fauna.is image bank.
©Copyright Jón Baldur Hlíðberg 2002. Gautavík 14, 112 Reykjavík Phone: 586-1095, Email: jbh@fauna.is