European seabass - Dicentrarchus labrax - Perch-likes - Perciformes
European seabass
Basa fish - Pangasius bocourti - otherfish - Veljiđ subcategory
Basa fish
Atlantic batfish - Dibranchus atlanticus - otherfish - Lophiiformes
Atlantic batfish
Basking Shark - Cetorhinus maximus - Sharks - Lamniformes
Basking Shark
Agassiz´smooth-headAgassiz' slickhead
Bluntnose Smooth-head - Xenodermicthys copei - otherfish - Osmeriformes
Bluntnose Smooth-head
Fangtooth - Anoplogaster cornuta - otherfish - Beryciformes
Fangtooth, Ogrefish - Anoplogaster cornuta - otherfish - Beryciformes
Fangtooth, Ogrefish
Ridgehead  / Bigscale - Poromitra megalops - otherfish - Stephanoberyciformes
Ridgehead / Bigscale
Coelacanth - Latimeria chalumnae - otherfish - coelachantidae
Jelly wolf-fishNorthern wolffish - Anarhichas denticulatus - Perch-likes - Perciformes
Jelly wolf-fishNorthern wolffish
Jelly wolf-fish Arctic wolffish - Anarhichas denticulatus - Perch-likes - Perciformes
Jelly wolf-fish Arctic wolffish
Blue Shark - Prionace glauca - Sharks - Carcharhiniformes
Blue Shark
Wreckfish - Polyprion americanus - Perch-likes - Perciformes
Four-beard Rockling - Rhinonemus cimbrius - Cods - Gadiformes
Four-beard Rockling
Blue Ling - Molva dypterygia - Cods - Gadiformes
Blue Ling
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