Bog Wortleberry - Vaccinium uliginosum - Dicotyledonous - Ericaceae
Bog Wortleberry
Wood Crane´s bill - Geranium silvaticum - Dicotyledonous - Geraniaceae
Wood Crane´s bill
Harebell / Bluebell - Campanula rotundifolia - Dicotyledonous - Campanulaceae
Harebell / Bluebell
Harebell Bluebell - Campanula rotundifolia - Dicotyledonous - Campanulaceae
Harebell Bluebell
Sea Lungwort - Mertensia maritima - Dicotyledonous - Borginaceae
Sea Lungwort
Warsh Felwort - Lomatogonium rotatum - Dicotyledonous - Gentianaceae
Warsh Felwort
White Sedge - Carex canescens - otherplants - Cyperaceae
White Sedge
Viviparous Fescue  - Festuca vivpara - otherplants - Poaceae
Viviparous Fescue
Proliferous Fescue - Festuca viviparia - Monocotyledones - Poaceae
Proliferous Fescue
Viviparous Fescue  - Festuca vivpara - otherplants - Poaceae
Viviparous Fescue
Wild Thyme - Thymus praecox arcticus - Dicotyledonous - Lamiaceae
Wild Thyme
Prunus sp. - Prunus - Dicotyledonous - Rosaceae
Prunus sp.
Prunus sp. - Prunus - Dicotyledonous - Rosaceae
Prunus sp.
Prunus sp. - Prunus - Dicotyledonous - Rosaceae
Prunus sp.
Three-flowered Rush - Juncus triglumis - otherplants - Juncaceae
Three-flowered Rush
Three-flowered Rush - Juncus triglumis - otherplants - Juncaceae
Three-flowered Rush
Photos 33 - 48 of 405. Page 3 of 26.
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