Dwarf Pine - Pinus mugo - Monocotyledones - Pinaceae
Dwarf Pine
Dwarf pine - Pinus mugo - Monocotyledones - Pinaceae
Dwarf pine
Iceland Moss - Cetraria islandica - otherplants - Lichenes
Iceland Moss
Laburnum sp - Laburnum sp - Dicotyledonous - Fabaceae
Laburnum sp
Laburnum sp - Laburnum sp - Dicotyledonous - Fabaceae
Laburnum sp
Laburnum sp - Laburnum sp - Dicotyledonous - Fabaceae
Laburnum sp
Mountain cornflower - Centaurea montana - Veljiđ category - Asteraceae
Mountain cornflower
Spike Trisetum - Trisetum spikatum - otherplants - Poaceae
Spike Trisetum
Alpine Cat´s foot - Antennaria alpina - Dicotyledonous - Asteraceae
Alpine Cat´s foot
A species of Hair-grass or Tussock-grass - Deschampsia alpina - Monocotyledones - Poaceae
A species of Hair-grass or Tussock-grass
Creeping Sibbaldia - Sibbaldia procumbens - Dicotyledonous - Rosaceae
Creeping Sibbaldia
Close-headed alpine sedge, Norway sedge - Carex norvegica - Monocotyledones - Cyperaceae
Close-headed alpine sedge, Norway sedge
Water Avens - Geum rivale - Dicotyledonous - Rosaceae
Water Avens
Dwarf Birch - Betula nana - Dicotyledonous - Betulaceae
Dwarf Birch
Arctic Willow - Salix arctica - Dicotyledonous - Salicaceae
Arctic Willow
Lady-fern - Athyrium filix-femina - Ferns - Athyriaceae
Photos 81 - 96 of 405. Page 6 of 26.
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